RULES & Regulations

International Music and Art Competition for Youth (IMACY) “Munich Meetings” is the event for young musicians and artists and an opportunity to demonstrate their talent.

​Young musicians  and artists from 4 to 18 years old can take part in the Competition in four age categories: A- junior group (A) 4-6 years old; B- junior group (B) 7-10 years old; C- middle group 11-14 years old; D- senior group 15-18 years old, studying regardless of the form of education – studio, school, college, university or private studying. In each age group and category will be the winners of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd places and the diploma holders.

According to the results of the Competition, the jury will award the title of the Grand Prix winner in each category. All contestants will receive diplomas by e-mail.

Application deadline for musicians is February 4, 2024.

The announcement of laureates and Grand Prix winners for musicians is on February 19, 2024.

The winners of the Grand Prix will be invited to participate in a Gala concert in Gasteig HP 8 Haal X (Munich, Germany) June 23, 2024 at 16.00 . Participation in the concert is free of charge. Also, all participants of the concert will be paid for accommodation and meals. Travel expences are paid by participants.

Invitations for participating at the Gala will be sent by e-mail.

Young artists create their works in according to video recordings, which will be posted to the YouTube chanel from February 20, 2024. (Categories see below).

Application deadline for artists is May, 5 2024

The results for artists will be announced by June 2, 2024.

Requirements for competitive works (fine art):

– A4 – A2 format
– any technique of performance
– in the description of the work the name of the work must be indicated (it is also necessary to specify the musical work and the name of performer); the surname, name, age of the participant, the name of the educational institution, the full name of a teacher, contact phone number, e-mail.

The photo of art work in good resolution should be sent to the e-mail or as a link in electronic application form.

During the Gala we should demonstrate art works of laureates of the 1 places at the Gasteig HP 8 Haal X

Video recordings and art works will be evaluated by leading professional experts from many different countries. Jury decisions are final.

Evaluation criteria for both categories:

  • Creative individuality
  • Strong artistic personality
  • Convincing performance
  • Technical aspects
  • Understanding of stylistic features
  • The stage presence of the performer

Audition Fee for soloist is 30 €

Audition Fee for one member of ensemble is 15 € (but not more than 50€ for the ensemble).

Audition Fee is not refundable.


Purpose of Use:
Munich Musicart
Audition Fee
Name , category and age group of participant
Country and city of residence



Foerderverein Muenchener Musikseminar e.V.

Sparkasse Munich

Account Number: 13117296

IBAN: DE91 7015 0000 0013 1172 96

by submitting your contact information , you agree on processing of your personal data


The presentation of musical piece should take not more than 3 minutes. A presentation is a free story about a musical piece. It can focus on the structure of the work or discuss the musical themes and images within it. The presentation should help the artists depict the music, presented by the performers, on the canvas. This time does not include duration of the piece. For example, junior group A – duration of program is 5 min. plus presentation 3 min. = 8 min., etc. If the presentation is in English, German, Ukrainian or Russian, the translation is not required. Other languages can be translated into English, German, Ukrainian or Russian. The translation can be in the form of subtitles or in the form of text, which can be sent to, specifying the name and surname of the participant.

Competitive program and requirements for video recordings (for musicians):

  • Free program. Time limits are indicated below
  • The piece(s) should be performed by heart
  • The participant downloads a video recording on YouTube etc.
  • Sound and video processing is not allowed
  • In the video hands, instrument and face must be visible 
  • For ensembles, it is allowed to perform a program by music score
  • The link of the video recording should be sent to: or by application form
  • You can send only one link to your presentation and performance, it can include several pieces

Program duration for age groups:


A- junior group A 4-6 years old       up to 5 min.

B- junior group B 7-10 years old      up to 8 min.

C- middle group 11-14 years old     up to 10 min.

D- senior group 15-18 years old      up to 15 min.


All kinds of ensembles      up to 15 min.


Keyboards: piano, harpsichord, etc.

Strings: violin, viola, cello, double bass




Wind: fute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, tuba, saxophone, etc.

Percussions: drum, xylophone, xylophone etc.

Folk instruments: balalaika, domra, gusli, accordion, etc.

Ensembles: duos, trios, quartets, sextets etc.


Book illustration

Decorative and applied arts

The ornament

Age groups:


A junior group (A)  4-6 years old

B junior group (B)  7-10 years old

C middle group  11-14 years old

D senior group   15-18 years old


Young performers do not just perform their musical pieces, they should create a story about the musical piece they perform (categories and age groups for musicians).

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